Digital Outputs

The drive provides 4 safe digital outputs on X21. These outputs can be used as safe outputs see see "Technical Data"see "Safe Digital Outputs". For more information refer to WorkBench.

Dual axis drives and drives with built-in option IO or DX offer additional 4 digital outputs and 2 programmable Input/Outputs. If X23 is built-in and not used for feedback or EEO function, then it offers 4 additional programmable Input/Outputs.

The relay output can be used as fault or ready to operate signal.

Maximum distance for unshielded I/O lines is 3 m inside the cabinet. If the I/O cable leaves the cabinet, it must be EMC shielded.

Choose the required action in WorkBench. A list of actions is included in the software. If an output is programmed, it must be saved to the drive.

Digital-Out 15 to 6

These outputs are programmable with WorkBench. By default, all outputs are not programmed (off).

Technical characteristics

  • The outputs can switch +5 V to +30 V
  • All digital outputs are floating
  • High side, output current max.100 mA
  • Update rate: 250 µs


Digital-Out 7 and 8

These outputs are programmable with WorkBench. By default, all outputs are not programmed (off).

Technical characteristics

  • The outputs can switch +5 V to +30 V
  • Galvanic isolation for 24 VDC from PE
  • The two channels are isolated from one another and not referred to a common potential
  • Output current max.100 mA
  • Can be wired as sinking or sourcing (see examples below)
  • Update rate: 250 µs

Wiring examples

Digital-In/Out 1 and 2

Pins X22/A20-A21 (Digital-In/Out 1) and X22/B20-B21 (Digital-In/Out 2) can be used as either inputs or outputs. For programming refer to WorkBench.

Technical characteristics if configured as output

  • RS485, reference common line is AGND
  • No wire break detection
  • Termination Selection: Unterminated (recommended) or DC Terminated
  • Differential or single-ended
    - For single-ended: Negative terminal is open circuit
  • Update rate: 250 µs

Digital-In/Out 3 to 6

X23 can be used for digital I/O. The channels can be defined as inputs or outputs. For programming refer to WorkBench.

Technical characteristics if configured as output

  • RS485, reference common line is 0V
  • No wire break detection
  • DIO 3/4 Termination Selection: Unterminated (AC Termination) (recommended) or DC Terminated
  • DIO 5 Termination Selection: Unterminated (AC Termination) (recommended) or DC Terminated on newer models*
  • DIO 6 Termination Selection: AC termination only
  • Differential or single-ended
    - For single-ended: Negative terminal is open circuit
  • Update rate: 250 µs

Digital-Out 9, Relay contacts

Digital-Out 9 is programmable with WorkBench.
By default, the output function is defined as ready to operate output by action parameter.

If an inductive load (relay or similar) is used, a freewheeling diode must be added to the load.

Technical characteristics

  • Relay output, max. 30 VDC or 42 VAC, 1 A
  • Galvanic isolation for 24 VDC from PE
  • Time to close: max. 10 ms
  • Time to open: max. 10 ms